Picture this: I’m a digital marketing apprentice, navigating the gritty world of construction by day. But my evenings are a different story—I’m the go-to guru for a fitness enthusiast looking to conquer the digital realm. Just a regular day on the job…until the internet decided to play its tricks.

It all started when I received an alarming message as I was breaking for lunch. The lady I was helping with her fitness empire sent a barrage of screenshots, each one more horrifying than the last. Her website’s images had pulled a Houdini act, and the blame game pointed squarely at me.

Cue heart palpitations and sweaty palms. The pressure was on, and I was ready to flee the digital kingdom. Was it my rookie mistake? Had I accidentally triggered the apocalypse? My job and reputation were on the line.

After a day of turmoil, I returned home, determined to get to the bottom of this digital debacle. I turned to my trusted ally, Chat GPT, and we dove right into the problem, frantically searching, “My images aren’t displaying using Divi WordPress”

In the comfort of my PJs and a cup of coffee, Chat GPT and I methodically investigated the mystery. We ruled out URL issues and image permissions. The very last thing Chat GPT had advised: “Plugin Malfunction.”

With newfound confidence, I strutted back to my WordPress dashboard and took charge. Plugin after plugin bit the dust until one final click did the trick. I held my breath as I refreshed the “About” page. The images were back, and so was my sense of accomplishment.

So, here’s what I learned: No matter how tough your day job is (mine involves a lot of heavy lifting), you can still master the digital world. Even a construction apprentice can troubleshoot a WordPress crisis and keep their day job intact. The lesson? Stay calm, ask for help when you need it, and tackle problems one plugin at a time.

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